
Alaska Jam

Vo. 森心言

Gt. 小野武正 (KEYTALK)

2010年4月活動開始。 ヒップホップとロックを真正面から融合させたバンドサウンドで人気を集め、2013年全国流通盤でデビュー。

年月を重ねるほどに、そのファンクネスに深み、ポップセンスに磨きをかけ、着実にAlaska Jamオンリーワンサウンドを築いていく。

また結成当初から和製RED HOT CHILI PEPPERSとも話題を呼んだ圧倒的なライブパフォーマンスもさらに勢いを増し、2023年には恵比寿LIQUIDROOMでワンマンライブを行い大盛況となった。


Alaska Jam started music activities in April 2010. The band's sound, a fusion of hip-hop and rock, became popular among [the] young generation. The band debuted with a nationally distributed CD in 2013.

Over the years, the band's funkiness has deepened and also their pop music sensibility has become more polished. The band has steadily built its "One and Only" sound and created their own music style.

Since its formation, Alaska Jam's overwhelming live performance, which has been called Japanese RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS, has gained even more momentum. In 2023, Alaska Jam had [performances] at the legendary venue, the LIQUIDROOM in Tokyo which was a great success.